Category: hypoactive sexual desire dysfunction HSDD

Brochure: Hypoactive Sexual Desire Dysfunction (HSDD) & You
Talk To Your Doctor What is HSDD? Hypoactive sexual desire dysfunction (HSDD) is low sexual desire that causes personal distress. HSDD a very common… Continue Reading →

IMS Interview Series – New Hormonal Tests To Diagnose Or Even Predict The Menopause?
International Menopause Society Prof. Richard Anderson will talk about “New hormonal tests to diagnose or even predict the menopause?”. The interview is available:

Jean Hailes: Sex & intimacy after cancer
Jean Hailes provides excellent information and resources in women’s health. Sex & intimacy after cancer Cancer, its treatments and their associated side effects, can… Continue Reading →

In Australia, is Addyi (Flibanserin) available or what is available?
Flibanserin, the drug that gives women one extra sexually satisfying experience every two months. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the… Continue Reading →

BMS National Menopause Survey – 50% reported their menopause symptoms impacted their sex life.
The BMS / WHC provides a confidential, independent service to advise, inform and reassure women about their gynaecological, sexual and post reproductive health. … Continue Reading →

UK Inquiry Report – Assessing the impacts of Menopause and the case for policy reform
The APPG has undertaken an inquiry into the impacts of Menopause on UK women and families and the case for policy reform. On Wednesday… Continue Reading →

Women’s Health Concern: Menopause; when sex can be off the menu
Women’s Health Concern (WHC), established in 1972 and the patient arm of the BMS (British Menopause Society) since 2012. WHC provides a confidential, independent… Continue Reading →

What is the forgotten symptom in Menopause?
There’s a screening tool to determine if HSDD is affecting you.

World Menopause Day – Brain Fog & Memory
What is Menopausal Brain Fog? Menopause brain fog is a group of symptoms that happens around the time of the menopause, including difficulty remembering… Continue Reading →

World Menopause Day – BMS & ITN Business Showcase
Celebrate World Menopause Day To celebrate World Menopause Day, the British Menopause Society has again partnered with ITN Business to bring an exclusive video… Continue Reading →