Category: testosterone for women

Global Consensus Position Statement on the Use of Testosterone Therapy for Women
The Global Consensus Position Statement on the Use of Testosterone Therapy for Women was simultaneously published on the 2nd September 2019 in Maturitas, Journal… Continue Reading →

BBC Menopause and testosterone replacement therapy
Over 900 specialist menopause physicians from around the world attended The European Menopause and Andropause Society conference held in Berlin on 15-17th May 2019. Numerous… Continue Reading →

Effects of testosterone therapy in women – new systematic review and meta-analysis
It has been over a decade since the last systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of testosterone for women was conducted as an… Continue Reading →

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) re-defined
In late 2018 the World Health Organisation (WHO) released an update to The International Classification of Disease (ICD). ICD is a system of medical coding created… Continue Reading →
FDA acknowledges there is a medical need for treating female sexual dysfunction
In late October 2016 the US FDA released draft guidance for Industry on Low Sexual Interest, Desire, and/or Arousal in Women: Developing Drugs for Treatment. This document states ”… Continue Reading →

EDUCATION: View presentations on testosterone management in men and women
EDUCATION View presentations on testosterone management in men and women In June 2017 the Lawley website added a ‘Health Professional Section’. This password protected learning area will… Continue Reading →

Flibanserin, the drug that gives women one extra sexually satisfying experience every two months
Flibanserin, the drug that gives women one extra sexually satisfying experience every two months

New Testosterone Cream for Women Study
Monash Women’s Health Research Centre (Melbourne) is seeking women to participate in a new study to determine the optimum application of a 1% testosterone… Continue Reading →