Latest News
IMS – 18th World Congress On Menopause – Will we see you in Lisbon?
Available on Demand The conference will also be available in streaming for those who are unable to travel and all the sessions will be… Continue Reading →
Menopause – Are you aware of what menopause could mean for you?
Australasian Menopause Society Congress: 9-11 September
AMS Congress 2022 See you soon in Cairns!!! The AMS is pleased to announce the 25th Annual Australasian Menopause Society Congress will be held… Continue Reading →
What is libido?
Libido, otherwise known as your sexual ‘drive’ or ‘desire’ varies from woman to woman and there is no right or wrong level. It is… Continue Reading →
The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH)
The ISSWSH is a multidisciplinary, academic, and scientific organization with the following purposes: To provide opportunities for communication among scholars, researchers, and practitioners about women’s… Continue Reading →
Register Now! – Online Lectures for British Menopause Society – 31st Annual Scientific Conference
Menopause basics webinar – Jean Hailes
Have you registered for our special Women’s Health Week webinar? Join Jean Hailes Medical Director Dr Elizabeth Farrell AM and our expert panel as… Continue Reading →
What is the increased risk for HSDD in surgically menopausal women?
The prevalence of HSDD was even significantly greater among younger surgically postmenopausal aged 20 – 49.
What is healthy aging and how do I find a Doctor?
Doctors who are members of the Australasian Menopause Society (AMS) have a special interest in women’s health in midlife and menopause, and the promotion… Continue Reading →